Corruption of data
Darko Brajković Njapo was born in 1986. in Pula, Croatia. Lives in between Grožnjan, Novigrad, Umag and Marušići, Croatia. bezimeni36@gmail.com
View moreDarko Brajković Njapo was born in 1986. in Pula, Croatia. Lives in between Grožnjan, Novigrad, Umag and Marušići, Croatia. bezimeni36@gmail.com
View moreA clear reference to verses of “Oj, svijetla majska zoro” “Oh, bright dawn of May” a national anthem of Montenegro adopted in 2004. Oh, bright dawn of May. Our mother Montenegro. We are sons of your rocks And keepers of your honesty We love you,...
View moreJudy Woodborne is a master printmaker working in Capetown, South Africa. She runs an Intaglio studio in Lower Main Road, Salt River, South Africa. The work was produced is a collaboration with Goran Denić in Capetown, 2020. info@judywoodborne.co.za
View moreIn this work, she plays with a famous The Beatles song and a Serbian word for money – lova. Darija was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina, former Yugoslavia. She moved to Belgrade in the middle of the war. She has BFA from the...
View moreUspjeh moje zajednice je i moj uspjeh, i obratno. Ako pružimo otpor svom okruženju, šanse da će se stanje popraviti su mnogo veće nego da nismo uradili ništa. Kao pripadnici tzv. globalnog prekarijata, naša budućnost je neizvjesna gdjegod se nalazili – tako da ta diplomica za koju trpite profesore debile ne garantuje savršen život ni u inostranstvu. Ali ono što garantuje bolji život na nastavi je organizovanje studenata u studentsku asocijaciju, ujedinjen bojkot podobnih predavača, generalno pravljenje havarije na Univerzitetu radi kvalitetnije nastave, te šutanje studentskih predstavnika-ulizica. Plate državnih službenika kapaju iz vaših novčanika (tj. novčanika naših roditelja, ups) i lijepo ih je povremeno na to podsjetiti. Njihov posao je da poboljšaju život zajednice, i ako to ne rade, a ne možemo da ih se riješimo, onda ne zaslužuju da posao rade u prijatnoj atmosferi. Oni nas ne štede, pa zašto bismo mi njih? Jezik je političan. U našim školama se jezik predaje na osnovu lingvistike iz 19-og stoljeća, koja propisuje jednu jedinu “ispravnu” verziju jezika, uprkos tome što je jezik živ, promjenljiv, i što u suštini ta isključivost/normativnost služi da odvoji “prave” obrazovane građane od seljaka. Jezik u institucijama služi za reproduciranje i opravdavanje trenutnog poretka. Ko određuje koja je to verzija jezika najtačnija? Ko predaje taj ispravni jezik? Kako se on zove? Šta je “dozvoljeno” reći u kulturnom društvu? Jezik kao sredstvo komunikacije omogućuje organizovanje najširih krugova društva oko istog problema, na osnovu njega se može formirati nacionalni identitet i država (takođe zastarjela ideja iz 19-og stoljeća) i ako se više ustručavamo misleći da li ćemo nešto ispravno reći nego kako se najbolje izraziti, držimo se jezičkih normi koje su uvedene u nastavni plan i program prije par godina, i ismijavamo druge zbog dijalekta, sistem je uspio, i na nas se sada mogu primiti sve druge njegove nelogičnosti. Korumpiranost na poziciji moći je izbor, kao što je izbor i otpor običnog čovjeka.
View moreThis animation is done by a 10-year-old girl, exclusively for the Museum of Corruption. She is having Weet Bix. Incorruptible breakfast. “How did I come to be animating this logo? Well, Goran came to South Africa, Johannesburg, to do some research for his Museum of...
View moreKasja Jerlagić was born in Sarajevo, 22.05.1996, where she continues to live and not work. She’s the founder of the ODRON collective, an illustrator and community organizer. kasja08@windowslive.com
View more“Post and following comments by Goran Denić will only get a meaningful and effective answer through state court prosecution we intend to initiate and where the appointee would have an opportunity, but also the legal obligation to prove his allegations indisputably or to be subject...
View moreBago was a local politician in Istria, Croatia. Gordana Kužina (b. 1957.) Varaždin, Croatia. Degree from Pedagogy Academy, Rijeka, Croatia. Lived and worked in Varaždin, Šibenik, Zagreb, Toronto and Vancouver. atelje.matei@gmail.com
View moreInspired by the warning sign displayed at the Vatican.
View moreDušan Šević, a graphic designer from Belgrade, saw a similar sign when he was visiting the City of Vatikan. His perception of corruption is as if someone steals from one’s pocket, literally or metaphorically. Beograd, 2017. esert001@gmail.com
View moreThe work was made in a series of performance/installation titled Qui A Tue Bambi? in 1997. Samuel Mgolombane was born out of extreme poverty in South African township Nyanga in 1966. He became famous for winning a competition SANG in 1996 Flags by Artists when...
View moreWork in progress. Done during the stay in Johannesburg, February 2020.
View moreZack was a comic published in Belgrade daily CENTAR (2004-2006). Zack was black humor, satirical comic invented by his author Philippe Woodrow (who also was invented figure by Marko Mamuzić, screenplay and Goran Denić, drawing). Almost all of the original artworks are lost.
View moreDear friends and colleagues, we need your help in creating Illustrated Guide through Corruption for Beginners. Please send works until June 15th, 2020 to muzejkorupcije@gmail.com in any of the following formats: Jpg (CMYK) or BMP 300 dpi; 30cm x 40cm or 25 x 50cm Pictograms in up...
View moreKasja Jerlagić was born in Sarajevo, 22.05.1996, where she continues to live and not work. She’s the founder of the ODRON collective, an illustrator and community organizer. kolektivodron@gmail.com kasja08@windowslive.com
View moreDejan Marić was born in Sremska Mitrovica, in 1964. Autodidact, most of his life engaged with drawing, for the last four years in digital form. Exhibited in Book Bar – Sremska Mitrovica; Polet, Šikarica, Dnevni Čilton – Belgrade. Lives in Belgrade, Serbia. de_maric@yahoo.com
View moreGoogle Maps Hacks Performance & Installation, 2020 ” 99 second hand smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps.Through this activity, it is possible to turn a green street red which has an impact in the physical world by...
View moreA campaign by Touristic Organisation of Budva, Montenegro under the banner FEEL. BUDVA. was controversial from the beginning. Budva Municipality, notorious for turning a blind eye to “developers” was depicted in the billboard created by Đorđije Bato Boljević, a painter and printmaker working in Budva....
View moreThe Mask problematizes the impossibility of ideal identity cover, as seen in popular movies or everyday life. The situation provoked by this work (The Mask) is a depiction of a situational crisis of the art scene often reduced to “give me your money or…”, when...
View morePortrait of Svetozar Marović- an ex-prime minister of Montenegro and an ideologist of the ruling DPS party who escaped trial and subsequent sentencing for multi-million fraud and corruption. Dimitrije Benić was at the time (2017), a 2nd-year student at the Faculty of Visual Arts in...
View moreDear friends and colleagues, we need your help in creating Illustrated Guide through Corruption for Beginners. Please send works until June 15th, 2020 to muzejkorupcije@gmail.com in any of the following formats: Jpg (CMYK) or BMP 300 dpi; 30cm x 40cm or 25 x 50cm Pictograms in up...
View moreAn author plays with the first logo of the Museum of Corruption (hands) and a stereotypical sign of monkey that doesn`t see, hear, or talks. Samuel Mgolombane was born out of extreme poverty in South African township Nyanga in 1966. He became famous for winning...
View moreGenesis of All Things is Luka Lagator`s reinterpretation of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. It illustrates the quasi Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God gives a blue envelope to Adam, making the first man corrupted. Budva, 2017. Luka Lagator...
View moreThe performance Nothingness for sale took part at Belgrade Cultural Center, Serbia, 2019. This was a part of a larger project titled Artist is present. Jusuf Hadžifejzović was born 1956 in Prijepolje, working and living in Sarajevo, one of the founders of Yugoslav Documenta. charlama.galery@gmail.com
View moreDušan Šević, a graphic designer from Belgrade, saw a similar sign when he was visiting the City of Vatikan. His perception of corruption is as if someone steals from one’s pocket, literally or metaphorically. Beograd, 2017. esert001@gmail.com
View moreAfter working in the Johannesburg advertising studio of South African Associated Newspapers (SAAN) he joined their publication Business Day to produce infographics. Then he worked for the Financial Mail, also at SAAN, where he was a joint deputy art director — SAAN was renamed as...
View moreTurks are seeking for a Prince/ But him being not at sight/ Marko’s mother, sheds some light,/ she won’t lie: „ Look around, you must try. “/ And they found him in a bit,/ Not a single wants to hit,/ Their goal is reach a...
View moreKasja Jerlagić was born in Sarajevo, 22.05.1996, where she continues to live and not work. She’s the founder of the ODRON collective, an illustrator, and a community organizer. kasja08@windowslive.com
View moreThe Sweet Memories (Help Yourself to Two) art installation is an integral part of the exhibition: it consists of an assortment of multi-colored squares of Turkish delight, with a combined weight of 50 kg, which is arranged in such a way as to simulate a...
View moreDear friends and colleagues, we need your help in creating Illustrated Guide through Corruption for Beginners. Please send works until June 15th, 2020 to muzejkorupcije@gmail.com in any of the following formats: Jpg (CMYK) or BMP 300 dpi; 30cm x 40cm or 25 x 50cm Pictograms in up...
View moreAnton Kannemeyer (b.1967) is a South African comics artist, who sometimes goes by the pseudonym Joe Dog. Kannemeyer has lectured the University of Pretoria, Technikon Witwatersrand, and was also a senior lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch. The reference is to a 70s movie called...
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