Manipulation of everyday time stream for the benefit of its participants, resulting in consequential decay of existing social norms represents the corruption of time.
Corruption of time is a form of deviant behavior that can take various forms depending on an entire series of influences from culture, religion, and other factors. These forms might include, without being limited to specific flows of time in some parts of the world which are inconsistent with those from the rest of the world; subjective approximation of what has been the past, based on the point of view of the present moment; reconstructing the time (past) and making some people to be forgotten completely by manipulating the time and/ or deleting any material belongings and shreds of evidence from the life of such people; not accepting the problems of the time we are living. Other reality-based examples of corruption of time might be reporting a larger than the necessary amount of time to complete a work-related activity; using the time dedicated to working for other purposes (more or less productive) – “another day, another dollar” principle; interrupting other people from a certain activity while telling them tales; interrupting other people from a certain activity while giving them other tasks (every time there is something more important and more pressing to be done).